The dreaded month of July finally came and the painful reorganization has taken place. I'm in a new portfolio reporting directly to a GM (okay, somebody who drew this structure must be out of his mind). We were busy rearranging the office and throwing away unused stuffs in order to give space to a unit that will be moving to our floor. OK...enough ramblings about work!

Last weekend, I went to the Talent and Awards Night at 'me school'. It's good to see the teachers again (there were just a few) and this time your are the 'matured' ex-student .. hehe.

On Sunday, we went to Shah's wedding in Seremban. Little Aqil Shah was there as well, sitting quietly in her mother's arms, despite the loud sound of the gamelan ensemble. A few of my shoolmates were also there, a few with their spouses and one with a cute baby girl.

The celebration on our recent SBP victory was held on Monday night at one of the hotel.

Wednesday, lunch with Mr. D. Immediately after work was my photoshoot session. Who said it's gonna be easy, smiling from ear to ear and enduring the bright flashlights ;)

On my way back to the LRT, I bumped into Mr. D (haven't I seen him enough in one day?) which is on his was to doing his 'yuppie-thingy' stuff at KLCC. In a split second, I decided to follow him to KLCC. We headed to Starbucks KLCC and 'yuppie' exec opened his laptop and did some work. Wait a minute, the guy sitting next to our table looks familiar ... Hiro Nakamura lookalike. Shhuuutt, the season Finale of Heroes is aired tonight and I'm gonna miss it!

I finished my Frappucino and took a walk around KLCC but couldn't find anything interesting to buy I arrived at Starbucks and let's just say that 'yuppie' wasn't fully concentrating on his work...

It's time to call it a day and I headed home.