It was a bright sunny day and we were passing through rows of cafes along the river. The gondola oarsman (known as a la valesàna), gave detailed description on the history behind the rows of building which lined the river banks.

Along the canal are various piazzas, churches and monasteries, which presents impressive architecture. Hordes of tourists where busy posing and taking pictures with their digital SLR (exaggerating here.... Dan, I have high expectations on your newfound skill ;) .. )

People were sitting at the terrace having their proper cup of coffees, enjoying the therapeutic view. Bright-coloured flowers adorn the riverbanks; birds chirping happily on top of the shady trees.

When we reached the end of the trip, we got out of the boat and strolled along the winding streets. All of a sudden, a young boy nipped my friend's wallet with sleuth of hand (Recall: scene from Bourne Identity). Everything was fast but I managed to catch the boy and took back the wallet.


Wow, was that a bad sign on the advent of our planned trip tomorrow? Or, am I thinking too much about the trip. People say that what is unsubconsciously in you mind is manifested into your dream. But the two places, one in the dream and the planned location resides on two different parts of the world. Well, looking forward to the trip. Fingers-crossed and hope that everything goes well.

I'll write, or rather 'blog' about the trip when I get back....


  1. Anonymous // 5 June 2007 at 03:59  

    amboi dong ma,trip ke mana tu? ;P