There was a fire alarm just when I finished dinner/lunch. So that’s why I’m here at the School.

I received an unexpected e-mail from Malaysia today. Alhamdulillah. Everything has sorted out to be OK. ;)

By the way, I did a presentation together with a colleague on a company that we researched an interviewed earlier and to my amazement in turned out to be a success. We were 10 minutes on the dot and nobody asked any question. Mind you, these people tend to ask you difficult questions.

I'll take note on one of the comments given ;). Nevertheless, a few people praised our presentation and some even said that it’s the best among those 5 groups who presented that day. See Raj, you don’t need to add in that one extra slide…. Heheh

Mind you that my left leg was shaking and it shows how nervous I am.. Luckily I was presenting behind the lectern or otherwise people would have seen how ‘shaky’ I was. During the break just before my presentation, a colleague commented that I didn’t look so confident said that she’ll ask questions during my presentation (a good way to calm me eh ...)

Looking forward to going to the City Centre tomorrow. Need to buy some groceries plus I ran out of ‘beras’ since the couple of days.

This weekend, there was a ranking published in the FT (yes, I’m reading this newspaper) for the Executive MBA and our School did quite OK internationally.

Sunday is the end of the British Summer Time. So you get an extra one hour sleep on Sunday (tho’ I wished it’s more than 1 hour).


  1. Anonymous // 4 November 2007 at 13:35  

    dah start dahlight saving la nie?!